Saturday, September 5, 2020

Coronavirus: China and the United States are fighting behind the scenes

                                               Coronavirus: China and the United States are fighting behind the scenes

It is very clear that the time in which we live is not a good time for the world, especially for relations between China and the United States.

 US President Trump has consistently described the Corona virus as "the Chinese virus", while his hard-line Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called it the "Wuhan virus", which are matters that are causing real anger in Beijing.

 President Trump and his foreign minister attacked China for its alleged inaction in the early stages of the spread of the Coronavirus epidemic.  But Chinese government spokesmen categorically rejected any claim that they were not transparent about the announcement of what was going on.

 Meanwhile, rumors spread on social media platforms in China indicating that an American program for germ warfare was the cause of the spread of the epidemic, and a large number of Chinese believed these rumors, although scientists confirmed that the virus’s structure is completely natural and not manufactured.

 But this war between the two giants is not just a war of words, it goes beyond that to something more dangerous.

Earlier this month, when the United States announced that it had decided to close its borders to those coming from several European countries, including Italy, the Chinese government announced that it was sending medical teams and necessary materials to Italy, the European country most affected by the epidemic.  China also sent aid to Iran and Serbia for the same purpose.

 This was a very symbolic moment, as it indicated the behind-the-scenes information and propaganda war.  China is determined to get out of this crisis and its position as a great power is strengthened.

 In fact, the United States is deservedly losing this war at least for the time being, and this fact will not change the recently announced US decision to send an Air Force medical clinic to Italy.

 This is a time when the political and administrative systems of all countries will be tested to the fullest extent, and the ability to lead will be necessary and even crucial.  Political leaders will be judged by the way they dealt with the crisis, the speed with which they acted to address the epidemic, the clarity they have with their people, and the competence they have shown in directing their countries' resources to respond to the spread of the epidemic.

 The spread of the epidemic came at a time when relations between China and the United States were already in crisis.  A recent partial trade agreement did not resolve the trade disputes between the two countries.

 Moreover, the two countries are moving forward with enhancing their military capabilities, in preparation for a possible military conflict in the Asia-Pacific region.  Meanwhile, China has emerged as a regional military superpower, and now China is seeking to assume the leadership position it believes it deserves.

The spread of the Corona epidemic threatens to push China-US relations into a more difficult and dangerous stage.  This may significantly affect the course of the epidemic's spread and the shape of the world after it recedes.  When victory over the virus is declared, the recovery of the Chinese economy will have a vital and important role in rehabilitating the collapsing global economy.

 But at present, Chinese aid is vital in fighting the epidemic, and it is imperative to continue cooperation in exchanging medical and clinical experiences and information.  Moreover, China is a large producer of medical equipment and single-use items such as masks and protective suits, which are essential to care for the injured, whose numbers have reached incredible levels.

 China is, in many fields, the manufacturer of medical materials on which the whole world depends, and it can diversify and expand its production in a way that most other countries of the world cannot.  China will seize the opportunity presented to it, but - according to Trump's critics - the reason is that it was the US president who failed to respond effectively.

 The Trump administration has failed to accept the gravity of the crisis, and viewed it as a new opportunity to confirm its policy of "America first" and to prove its alleged superiority over the rest of the world.  But what is at stake now is world leadership.

 As two experts on Asian affairs - Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs in the Obama administration, and Roche Duchy - said in the recent Foreign Affairs newsletter, “The United States is the world's leading position in the world, and it is the position it has taken on.  During the past seven decades, it was not built on the foundations of wealth and military strength only, but also on the basis of the legitimacy of the method of internal governance in the country and its ability to provide materials and goods on a global scale and its ability and desire to mobilize international responses to disasters and crises.

 The experts say, "The Corona epidemic is a test for the three basic elements of American leadership, so far Washington has not passed the test. While America continues to falter, Beijing is moving quickly and wisely to take advantage of the opportunity that has been created thanks to the mistakes made by the Americans. China is today filling the void, and visualizing itself."  It is the world leader in response to the spread of the epidemic. "

 It's easy to take a skeptical position in these circumstances.  Many people express their surprise at China's exploitation of this crisis for its benefit, especially since the epidemic began to spread in it.  The Chinese government's response to the escalating crisis in Wuhan was classified at first, but since then Beijing has mobilized its enormous resources in an impressive and effective manner.

 As Susan Nossel, Chair of the Board of Directors of PEN America concerned with freedom of the press said in an article published in the Foreign Policy website, "After Beijing acted out of fear of local protests as a result of its denial and mismanagement of the crisis in its early stages, it is now launching a major domestic and international media campaign to promote  "For its strict policy towards the epidemic, to reduce its role in spreading it, and to successfully compare the efforts it exerts with the efforts made by Western countries, especially the United States."

 Many Western commentators believe that China is moving towards adopting more authoritarian and nationalist policies, and they fear that this trend will escalate due to the effects of the epidemic and the resulting economic slowdown.  But these effects will be more severe on the United States.

The spread of the Corona epidemic threatens to push China-US relations into a more difficult and dangerous stage.  This may significantly affect the course of the epidemic's spread and the shape of the world after it recedes.  When victory over the virus is declared, the recovery of the Chinese economy will have a vital and important role in rehabilitating the collapsing global economy.

 But at present, Chinese aid is vital in fighting the epidemic, and it is imperative to continue cooperation in exchanging medical and clinical experiences and information.  Moreover, China is a large producer of medical equipment and single-use items such as masks and protective suits, which are essential to care for the injured, whose numbers have reached incredible levels.

 China is, in many fields, the manufacturer of medical materials on which the whole world depends, and it can diversify and expand its production in a way that most other countries of the world cannot.  China will seize the opportunity presented to it, but - according to Trump's critics - the reason is that it was the US president who failed to respond effectively.

 The Trump administration has failed to accept the gravity of the crisis, and viewed it as a new opportunity to confirm its policy of "America first" and to prove its alleged superiority over the rest of the world.  But what is at stake now is world leadership.

 As two experts on Asian affairs - Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs in the Obama administration, and Roche Duchy - said in the recent Foreign Affairs newsletter, “The United States is the world's leading position in the world, and it is the position it has taken on.  During the past seven decades, it was not built on the foundations of wealth and military strength only, but also on the basis of the legitimacy of the method of internal governance in the country and its ability to provide materials and goods on a global scale and its ability and desire to mobilize international responses to disasters and crises.

 The experts say, "The Corona epidemic is a test for the three basic elements of American leadership, so far Washington has not passed the test. While America continues to falter, Beijing is moving quickly and wisely to take advantage of the opportunity that has been created thanks to the mistakes made by the Americans. China is today filling the void, and visualizing itself."  It is the world leader in response to the spread of the epidemic. "

 It's easy to take a skeptical position in these circumstances.  Many people express their surprise at China's exploitation of this crisis for its benefit, especially since the epidemic began to spread in it.  The Chinese government's response to the escalating crisis in Wuhan was classified at first, but since then Beijing has mobilized its enormous resources in an impressive and effective manner.

 As Susan Nossel, Chair of the Board of Directors of PEN America concerned with freedom of the press said in an article published in the Foreign Policy website, "After Beijing acted out of fear of local protests as a result of its denial and mismanagement of the crisis in its early stages, it is now launching a major domestic and international media campaign to promote  "For its strict policy towards the epidemic, to reduce its role in spreading it, and to successfully compare the efforts it exerts with the efforts made by Western countries, especially the United States."

 Many Western commentators believe that China is moving towards adopting more authoritarian and nationalist policies, and they fear that this trend will escalate due to the effects of the epidemic and the resulting economic slowdown.  But these effects will be more severe on the United States.

America's allies are taking note of all of this.  While these allies may refrain from publicly criticizing the Trump administration, many of them have taken different positions toward China, the security of Chinese technology (such as the position on Huawei), Iran, and other regional issues.

 China is using its experience and knowledge of the Corona epidemic to try to set new principles for its future relations with the United States and others, relations that may turn China into a "power that cannot be replaced."

 China's initiatives in providing aid for efforts to combat the Coronavirus in its neighboring countries - Japan and South Korea - and the provision of necessary medical equipment to the European Union countries can be viewed from this perspective.

 In their essay, Campbell and Duchy make a clear comparison between the present situation and the decline and decline of the British role in the world.  They say that the failed military operation planned by Britain in 1956 to seize the Suez Canal "exposed the deterioration of the British pioneering role and paved the way for the end of Britain's role as a world power."

 And they say, "Today, policymakers in the United States must be aware that their country is not dealing with emergency conditions. The Coronavirus crisis will turn into the Suez crisis as well."

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