Saturday, September 5, 2020

Deal of the century


                                            Deal of the century       

The Deal of the Century or Trump's peace plan is a proposal, or peace plan, aimed at resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, prepared by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.  The plan includes the creation of a global investment fund to support the economies of the Palestinians and neighboring Arab countries, and it was expected that Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, would present it during a conference in Bahrain held on June 25 and 26, 2019. Since the morning of its announcement, the Palestinians have shown their great anger and their categorical rejection of the terms and conditions of the deal of the century, outside.  In condemnation marches rejecting her.

Since 2017, the administration of US President Donald Trump has been preparing a plan for peace in the Middle East to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, to be formally submitted in early 2018, and this has been postponed several times, and according to Fox News, the US peace project document contained between 175 and 200 pages.  Many of its contents were circulated in the media and with some concerned parties in the form of leaks.

 After 18 months of planning, US officials developed the proposal by visiting four Arab capitals.  However, it was not ready to be presented to the public officially.  According to the poll conducted by Haaretz, 44% of respondents believe that the deal is in the interest of Israel, while 7% believe that the deal is in favor of the Palestinians.

 The details of the deal were not "officially" announced earlier, and Trump stated at the time that great progress had been made in that deal. In response to a question about that deal, the Jordanian Foreign Minister said: "When the Americans put it forward, we will give our opinion on it."

 In spite of that, many press reports have been issued that dealt with that deal, and it can be summarized in the solution of the Palestinian issue by establishing a Palestinian state without an army in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Egypt granting additional lands to the Palestinians for the purpose of establishing an airport and factories and for trade and agriculture without allowing the Palestinians to live in it, and the agreement will be concluded.  Based on the size and price of the lands, a suspension bridge will also be constructed between Gaza and the West Bank to facilitate movement.

 After a year of the agreement, democratic elections will be held for the Palestinian government, and every Palestinian citizen will be able to run for elections, and sanctions will be imposed on all parties that reject the deal, including Israel.  Until now, Israel has refused to implement the two-state solution and the return of refugees, and it is difficult to evacuate settlers from the West Bank.

 Bahrain workshop
Main article: Bahrain Economic Peace Conference
 Senior White House Adviser Jared Kushner inaugurated the "Bahrain Workshop" by saying that America wants to see "peace, prosperity and security be achieved for Israelis, Palestinians and everyone."  You touch on the political aspect, indicating that the political aspect of the peace plan will be revealed at the appropriate time.

 A group of countries participated in the Bahrain conference held in Manama under the title "Peace for Prosperity" on June 25, 2019, led by the United States and Israel, and from Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar and Bahrain, and the European Union, in addition to international financial institutions, participated.  Including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, as well as major companies and businessmen in the region and the world.

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 On January 28, 2020, US President Donald Trump invited both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rival Benny Gantz and did not invite any Palestinian officials to Washington to launch his peace plan for the sake of resolving the decades-old conflict;  The two met for separate discussions on the Deal of the Century;  Later, President Trump announced the peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians known as the "Deal of the Century" in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who in turn confirmed that the plan offers a "realistic path" to achieving lasting peace in the region.

 The deal of the century stipulated the existence of a four-year transitional phase, pending political changes that would push the Palestinian Authority to abandon its current rejection of the plan, and to declare Israel’s control over 30 percent of the West Bank within the areas known as "C", according to the classifications of the concluded Oslo Agreement.  1993, and Jerusalem will remain unified under full Israeli sovereignty;  By annexing all the settlements in the West Bank, which are more than 100 settlements, with the aim of preventing the return of Palestinian refugees to the occupied territories of Palestine.

 This plan is considered the "most generous proposal" made to Israel, and it also includes the creation of a "symbolic Palestinian state" that no Palestinian leader can accept.

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